It’s a timeless story really…

One day, in the regular, or maybe not so regular, course of your life you discover that plants have so much more to offer than you ever realized.

Maybe you met someone who shared information or you used them to heal yourself or a loved one, or maybe they spoke to you on a hike or in a dream. And now, you are left with a curiosity that simply won’t subside. However you came to the plants, one thing is clear - you’ve entered into a relationship with the natural world and you’re in love! You’re filled with wonder, creative insight, and a deep desire to learn more, be more and do more with the plants.

The Budding Herbalist Program is so much more than an herbal course.

It designed to guide you on a journey of self discovery and insight. To open your heart and mind to the healing properties of the plants. To build right relationship with the natural world and to help you step into your place as Herbalist.

The Budding Herbalist program includes 7 core classes, 4 bonus classes, Plus, LIVE office hours with Gina and a supportive online community to ask questions and receive personal guidance and support.

In this program you will develop a solid foundation in herbalism be able to apply its methodologies.

You will:

  • Learn practical application of how to confidently select and recommend herbs and incorporate natural healing methods into your life

  • Gain an understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western Energetic assessment tools

  • Learn from an expert in the field of herbalism, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Flower Essence Therapy,and Shamanism

  • Discover which herbs have an affinity with each body system and learn how to work with them to restore and maintain health

  • Experience nature-based practices to foster personal healing and growth

  • Engage in a self-paced, convenient, and easy to follow online program with lifetime access to all classes and materials.

What's Inside the Program

Class 1: Introduction to Herbal Medicine

Principles of Herbal Medicine; Western Herbal Energetics; the Six Tissue States, Herbal Materia Medica; Fostering Relationship with Nature

Class 2: The Flavor of Herbs

Herbal Flavor Profiles and Indications; Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) 5 Element Theory; The Art of Formulating, Blending and Making Herbal Tea

Class 3: Earth-Based Practices

Grounding, Smudging & Earth Based Practices; Introduction to Shamanic Principles and Practices and Plant Spirit Medicine; Building Your Home Apothecary

Class 4: Nervous & Immune System

Nervous and Immune system overview; Herbs that nourish and support each system.

Class 5: Cardiovascular & Respiratory System

Systems overview; Herbs that support the Cardiovascular and Respiratory System; The Heart-Mind Connection; Meditation practice to Foster Connection to the Heart.

Class 6: Energetic & Vibrational Healing

Introduction to Energetic/Vibrational Healing, the Chakra System and Flower Essences; Using a Pendulum. Plus, Nourishing Herbal Tonics; The Role of Sleep, Sleep Hygiene and Circadian Rhythms.

Class 7: Liver & Digestive System

Systems overview; Herbs that support the Liver and Digestive System; Kitchen Remedies.

4 Bonus Classes 

Bonus 1: Herbs & Flower Essences for Stress & Anxiety

Learn how to recognize your individual symptoms of stress and anxiety and discover which medicinal herbs are the most beneficial for you.

Bonus 2: Medicinal Benefits of Cacao 

Discover the rich history and medicinal benefits of this amazing plant with Richard Mandelbaum RH, Clinical Herbalist and co-founder of the ArborVitae School of Traditional Herbalism.

Bonus 3: Herbs for Seasonal Wellness

Learn which herbs can help restore and maintain health throughout the cold & flu season.

Bonus 4: Supporting Thyroid Health

Learn how to support thryoid health naturally with Andrea Beaman, an internationally renowned Holistic Health Coach, Natural Foods Chef, Speaker, Herbalist and best-selling author.

Plus, Additional Perks!

In addition to the classes and bonus classes, you'll gain access to:

LIVE Q&A Calls with Gina Kearney

Attend monthly LIVE Zoom Office Hours with Gina Kearney and other students to ask questions, gain clarity and share experiences.

Herbs & Owls Online Academy

Access our online student community to connect with like-minded people, ask questions and expand your herbal wisdom and practice.

Lifetime Access

Enjoy lifetime access to class videos, content and materials.

Learn how to confidently select and use herbs

Enroll now to develop your herbalism skills and weave your understanding of herbs into the tapestry of nature's healing wonders.

Meet Your Instructor and the Creator of the Budding Herbalist Program

Registered Herbalist & Flower Essence Gina Kearney RH (AHG)

Gina Kearney is a Registered Herbalist & Flower Essence Practitioner who helps clients use herbal medicine, intention and shamanic, earth-based practices to restore and maintain health at a deep and lasting level. She is the owner of Herbs & Owls, a unique and beautiful organic medicinal Herb Shop in Jupiter, FL where she offers herbal consultations and classes in-person and online.

What Students Are Saying

“Gina teaches from a heart of passion for her art. Her knowledge is both deep and wide. Solidly based in study and education, she brings the wisdom from many parts of the world together in a beautiful blend of holistic healing. A passionate narrator, she also understands the craft of weaving a beautiful story to all she teaches. An unforgettable experience. Highly recommend this class.”

— Nicky

“This is incredible class, with a great teacher. What was such a delight about this class was that I was able to implement so many things I learned each week into my daily life. Some subjects that I’m familiar with, I had not been practicing so I was able to re-introduce these valuable practices back into my daily life. Gina is a wonderful teacher, (I’m a lifelong learner, with many teachers over the years), and I’m a teacher. Gina thank you for your lifelong learning of these wonderful valuable practices and your wiliness to share them.

This is a class that is invaluable to our planet, and to us human’s moving forward. I believe we need to get back to some ancient knowledge, that’s been placed aside in our culture. Our children would greatly benefit from this knowledge. I will be back for your next class! ”

— Darlis M Mayes, MS

“Thank you for offering this class! Gina’s expansive subject knowledge gave a great overview of Herbal Medicine which made me motivated to learn more! I would recommend this class highly to anyone who would like a comprehensive overview of Herbal Medicine and how to practice.”

— J. Leary

“The Budding Herbalist program found me exactly when I needed it. Gina took the basics of natural healing with herbs and broke it down into digestible lessons. Gina’s gentle spirit and calm confidence made it incredibly easy to learn from her. The program exceeded my expectations by showing me how to introduce herbal remedies without feeling overwhelmed. I highly recommend this class for anyone who has “heard the call” of the plants and is interested in exploring a more natural way of living and healing!”

— Marie Rice 

“I had been looking to further my knowledge on different ways to help those in the trauma healing process. This class allowed me to offer a different perspective on what healing looks like. Although I have taken the class I would take it again! Highly recommend!”

— Stephanie Dennis

“Thank you so much Gina! The Budding Herbalist Program was everything I could have hoped for and more. After many years of dabbling and solo study through books, videos and podcasts, learning in person with you was the perfect next step. I feel much more confident in my understanding of the herbs that we covered. The material was put together in a way that made it very easy to digest and each lesson built together a solid foundation for us to take with us. I loved that you pulled in energy healing, meditation and connection with the land. It’s all so intertwined and helps us connect to herbalism in a much deeper way. The homework was really helpful, especially as an opportunity to start making herbal medicine with teas. Gina’s energy is warm, welcoming and graceful. It was truly a pleasure learning from her. Thank you Gina for sharing your wisdom and creating such a beautiful container for us to learn from! Looking forward to taking more classes with you!”

— Jackie Franco 

Pricing Options

Select the plan that's best for you!

If you're being called to connect more deeply with the plants and natural ways of healing, this program is for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When does the course start and finish?

    The course consists of video classes and is self-paced. You may take as long as you need to complete it. There is no time limit for completion.

  • How long will I have access to the program?

    You will have LIFETIME ACCESS to the Budding Herbalist Online Program when you purchase the course.

  • How do I access the program materials?

    Log in to the by clicking Sign In/Get Started Now in the upper right of this page. Course videos are not available for download and must be viewed through the platform. Some items, such as handouts, will be available to download.

  • What equipment/tools will I need to complete the program?

    Access to a computer, smartphone or tablet and a curious, open mind!

  • What if I am unhappy with the program?

    Oh no! We don't want that! We offer a 7-day money back guarantee. If you are unhappy with the program for any reason, let us know within the first 7 days and we will refund your payment.

  • What do I do if I need help?

    For questions about your billing or accessing the course materials, email [email protected] If you have a question about the class content, herbs, herbal remedies or practices, we encourage you to ask those in the Herbs & Owls Academy or at Gina Kearney's Office Hours.